2024 Opening of Church Schools & Holy Trinity Picnic

Sunday September 15th was a wonderful day as we celebrated our Welcome Home Sunday and the opening of our church schools for the year! We also honored the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross with a special Blessing of the Basil, featuring basil grown by participants in our summer program, Trinity Kid’s Place. It was a joyous day, with Sunday School staff, students, and parents coming together for a rededication service as we look forward to the year ahead.

Adding to the day’s festivities, we hosted our annual Holy Trinity Church Picnic, which brought together countless parishioners and friends from the community of all ages. The event was filled with food, fellowship, and traditional Armenian music played by the Greg Krikorian Ensemble. We are grateful to everyone who contributed to making this day happen, from Richard Diranian and John Marsoobian, our Picnic Co-Chairs, to the dedicated volunteers who cooked and served everything from lamb to doner kebab, prepared by Kevork Atinizian. A special thank you as well to our Sunday School Superintendent, Yn. Arpi Kouzouian, Armenian School Principal Naira Balagyozian, and the wonderful volunteers on the teaching staff.

Please enjoy the photos by Ruth Boghosian as a glimpse of our day! For more photos of the picnic and church schools’ opening day, click here

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