Category Archives: Parish News

Dedication of Holy Trinity Church’s “Garabed Baghdasar and Haiganoush Hagopian Hollisian Plaza” on Sunday, November 23

In a heart-warming dedication ceremony on Sunday, November 23, the parishioners of Holy Trinity Armenian Church turned out to honor one of their own – Zevart Hollisian – who, in fulfilling the wishes of her mother, Haiganoush Hagopian Hollisian, donat

Holy Trinity Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Fr. Vasken Kouzouian’s Ordination and the Ordination of Five Sub-deacons

Sunday, October 26, was a day filled with joy and celebration at Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Greater Boston when the community celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the ordination of their pastor, Fr. Vasken Kouzouian, and the ordination of five sub-deac