The Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian Visited Holy Trinity Armenian Church

On the weekend of April 28-30, 2023, Hayr Mamigon Kiledjian, Diocesan Instructor of Sacred Music, met with the Rev. Fr. Vasken A. Kouzouian, Pastor of Holy Trinity Armenian Church, and spent Friday evening and Saturday training Sub-deacons Oscar Derderian, Gregory Dorian, Robert Dulgarian, Stephen Hollisian, and Mark Torosian.  Also in attendance were Deacons Gregory Krikorian and George Stepaniants.

Hayr Mamigon covered a large portion of the requirements required to be ordained a full deacon. This included sharagans chanted during several sacraments, such as baptism and chrismation. Hayr Mamigon taught the sub-deacons litanies from the Yooghaperitz Service, and Sunrise, Evening, and Peace and Rest Hour services. He also touched on other requirements for deacon training and instilled methods for learning the material effectively and efficiently.

On Sunday, Hayr Mamigon served as Celebrant of the Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon.

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