At Holy Trinity we began the most solemn week in the Armenian Church, Holy Week with Palm Sunday and the opening of the doors service (Turun-Patzek) which was followed by a lovely luncheon shared by almost 250 parishioners in the hall.
On Thursday evening, April 6, Der Vasken washed the feet of 12 men following the tradition established by Jesus who washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper setting an example of humility and love (John 13:1-17). This year the 12 men who has their feet washed had some kind of connection back to our first Holy Trinity Location at Shawmut Ave in Boston Massachusetts as we celebrate 100 years of Holy Trinity since Shawmut Ave. (Click here for more photos)
On Good Friday, the Order of the Crucifixion Service was held to recall the suffering, execution, and death of our Lord on the cross. In the evening, a white tomb with flowers was placed in the chancel of the church for the Burial Service.
On Holy Saturday, our Church Schools Easter Family Worship Celebration was held. Children from our Sunday and Armenian School gathered for a communion service in the morning followed by a pancake breakfast, Easter themed activities, an egg hunt on church grounds, and a visit from the Easter Bunny! (Click here for more photos)
Easter Sunday brought over 400 people into the sanctuary to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Following Badarak, people gathered on the front plaza of the church to connect and enjoy refreshments before going off to celebrate with family and friends later in the day. Our ACYOA members sold beautiful spring plants with part of the profits to benefit the families in Artsakh. (Click here for more photos)