“Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest”
On Sunday April 2, parishioners shared in this year’s Palm Sunday Celebration at Holy Trinity!
The morning began with the Opening of Doors/Trnpatzek Service and a processional led by the children of our Church Schools, carrying palms reminiscent of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday.
At the conclusion of Church services, nearly 250 guests gathered for the annual ACYOA Day Palm Sunday Banquet, including nearly 50 ACYOA Seniors, Juniors and their parents who came together to create a meaningful and memorable celebration for all in attendance.
We are grateful for the leadership of our ACYOA Seniors Executive and ACYOA Juniors Youth Leadership Team, and the many volunteers who were part of the day.
We thank veteran chef David Dorian for preparing the delicious meal, and express gratitude to Gregory A. and Crystal Kolligian, Jr., for generously underwriting a large portion of the banquet meal. We are especially grateful to our guest speaker, Lilit DerKevorkian, BS, MA, who spoke about “The Impact of Faith on our Mental Health.” Drawing from her experience and expertise as a Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology at William James College, Lilit offered theoretical, practical, and personal insight about the need to destigmatize and speak openly about mental health in our communities, citing the impact of the pandemic, the 44 Day Artsakh War, and generational trauma and reflecting on the connection between hope and faith, emphasizing that it is hope that puts faith in action.
Lilit left us all with the following words of encouragement: “If we, or people we know, silently suffer from mental health issues, then please remember there is help out there, there are people who are professionals, there is also our clergy, and people who can guide you to a better place so we can all enjoy the fullness of life.”
The day’s program concluded with Yn. Arpi Kouzouian, Director of Youth Ministries, reflecting on how as humans, we are designed to seek connection, community, and a sense of belonging. She spoke to the power of the Church to create that sense of belonging for our young people and called on the community to partner together to create a safe space for our entire Church family where conversations about mental health and wellness are not only accepted but normalized.
Before offering the benediction, Der Vasken thanked and congratulated the ACYOA for their continued efforts and involvement. He also thanked and commended Lilit, who having grown up at Holy Trinity Church, has chosen to share her love, compassion, and knowledge with not only her Church family, but the greater Armenian community.