Holy Trinity’s 55th Anniversary Celebration Banquet

Holy Trinity Church’s 55th Anniversary Banquet to Honor
All Parish Council Chairmen Who Have Served on Brattle Street


   The Pastor and Parish Council of Holy Trinity Church are pleased to announce that all Parish Council Chairmen who have served on Brattle Street, will be honored at the Church’s 55th Anniversary Banquet to be held on Sunday, October 23, following Church Services, in the Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall.

His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), will preside over the Divine Liturgy, beginning at 10:00 a.m., and the afternoon’s program.  During the Divine Liturgy, special prayers will be offered for the departed souls of the faithful who worked and built Holy Trinity Armenian Church at its present site in Cambridge.  Following Church Services, the Annual Banquet will celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the consecration of Holy Trinity Church in Cambridge.

   “The forefathers of our parish erected a majestic church for the children of their children, to be the center of faith, heritage, parish life and family tradition, states Fr. Vasken A. Kouzouian, Pastor of Holy Trinity Church.  “It was built lovingly on the backs of Armenian immigrants and their children, and constructed upon the traditions of our past and with an eye on the future.  At our 55th Anniversary Celebration, we will honor those parishioners who took on the responsibility of serving as Parish Council Chairmen along the way.  We honor their collective leadership.”

   During the Banquet, recognition will be given to outgoing Parish Council members Dr. Mark Ayanian and Gregory A. Kolligian, Jr., and Diocesan Delegates Edmond J. Danielson, Bruce Newell and Dean Soultanian, for their services.

Those Who Have Served As Parish Council Chairmen

   Since 1961, when Holy Trinity was consecrated on Brattle Street, there have been 21 individuals who have served as Parish Council Chairman as follows:  General Sarkis Zartarian*, 1961-1965; John Davagian*, 1965-1966; Michael Gazarian*, 1966-1967; John Soursourian*, 1967-1969; Gregory A. Kolligian*, 1969-1971; Arthur Apkarian*, 1971-1974; Richard Zeytoonjian*, 1974-1975; Gregory Tashjian, 1975-1976; Dr. Michael Kolligian, Jr.*, 1976-1978; Helene Dorian, 1978-1981; Donald J. Tellalian, 1981-1982; Stephen Panosian*, 1982-1986; Nancy D. Kasarjian, 1986-1989; Albert Zouranjian, 1989-1993; George W. Haroutunian, 1993-1999; James M. Kalustian, 1999-2005; Dean Soultanian, 2005-2007; Bruce Newell, 2007-2012; Richard Sahagian, 2012-2013; Gregory A. Kolligian, Jr., 2013-2016; and Daniel K. Dorian, Jr., 2016.  (*Deceased)


  The Pastor and Parish Council cordially invite our parishioners and friends to join them on October 23 as we pay homage to these dedicated servants of the Armenian Church.  Donation for the dinner is $40.00 for adults and $20 for children under 12.  Seating is by advance paid reservation only with a RSVP deadline of October 19.  Tickets may be purchased by contacting the Holy Trinity Church Office, 617.354.0632 (credit card payment accepted) or online. 


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