Come Meet the Medical Team from the
Muratsan Chemotherapy Clinic on October 18
Many children in Armenia have cancer and we can help! We invite the Greater Boston area community to Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday, October 18, to meet some of the Medical Team from the Muratsan Chemotherapy Clinic of Yerevan University Hospital, Armenia, a Pediatric Oncology Center that works with children and their families from all over Armenia. The members of this Medical Team – Liana Safaryan, MD, Oncologist; Yester Nazarethyan, Nurse Practicioner; Yeva Asribabayan, Psycho-Social Specialist; and Alysa Kamalyan, Social Worker – are in Boston during October undergoing further training at Dana Farber. Holy Trinity Church has invited them to come and talk to the community about their program.
During Holy Trinity’s Parish Pilgrimage to Armenia in July 2016, the group visited the Muratsan Chemotherapy Clinic and met several of the children undergoing chemotherapy treatment for different forms of cancer. So moved by what they saw, the group wanted to help these children. The Clinic is in dire need of medical equipment, basic supplies and chemotherapy drugs.
In an effort to raise awareness and much-needed funds, Cynthia Kazanjian, who partook in the Pilgrimage to Armenia, mobilized a team of 11 walkers who participated in the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk by Hyundai on September 25. “Cancer is no stranger to my family,” states Cynthia. “I am humbled to be able to help the children in the hope that what we do can save lives. They deserve to live.” The funds they raised from the miles they walked will go directly to the Clinic via Dana-Farber. The Muratsan Chemotherapy Clinic has been working with the City of Smile Foundation in Yerevan and the Global Health Initiative of the Dana Farber/Boston Children’s Hospital.
The program will be held in the Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. All are welcome. The evening is sponsored by the Women of Holy Trinity. Please RSVP your attendance by October 16 to
Those wishing to make a donation, may make their check payable to “Dana Farber/Boston Children’s Global Health Initiative,” with the memo “for the City of Smile” or “for Armenia,” and mail to Cynthia Kazanjian, 17 Marigold Way, Burlington MA 01803, who will ensure that all checks are delivered to the Dana Farber Global Health Initiative.
We look forward to having you join us on October 18.
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