There are five scholarships available from Holy Trinity Armenian Church to qualified applicants for the 2016-2017 academic year.
These scholarships are The Gregory Archie and Rose Kolligian Scholarship; the Hollisian Family Scholarship; The Alice Ohanasian Scholarship; The Gertrude Nahigian Scholarship; and The Major Robert Z. Zartarian Scholarship. See the attached for the requirements for each scholarship. Applications can be obtained by calling the Holy Trinity Church office, 617.354.0632, or emailing Applications are not available online.
The deadline for receiving the completed application and all supporting documentation is Friday, April 1, 2016. Please note that there will no longer be follow-up on any outstanding materials due. It is the applicant’s sole responsibility to insure that all required documentation is received by the deadline. If incomplete, the application will not be considered.
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