The Pastor and Parish Council have launched their 108 Campaign to help our church reduce our energy costs and become a better steward of our environment.They have been working with NSTAR who conducted an energy audit, and through implementing their recommendations, we will realize an estimated annual savings of $5,200 on our electric utility costs.In 2013, our actual electric expense totaled $25,924; in 2014, our budgeted electric expense is $25,000; and for 2015, our anticipated budgeted electric expense will be $19,800.
However, it will take $108 a day over the next six months to absorb the one-time $20,000 audit expense and implementation of recommendations intended to control our energy cost and help us “Go Green.”We ask you to please support this 2014 endeavor.Brochures have been mailed to parishioners, see attached.As with past campaigns, watch for a poster in Johnson Hall showing our progress.Thank you!
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